Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My favorite economist wins the Nobel

Congratulations to Paul Krugman for winning the Nobel in economics. I devour the essays of Krugman because he writes like my other favorite - Richard Dawkins; concise and easy to understand.

Eat you hearts out Bush and Greenspan.

My forecast: Steven Levitt gets his in 10 years. 

My "prayer": Dawkins gets a Nobel too.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Manila gamblers make it to best-seller

I've heard of our bigshot politicians accompanying Manny Pacquiao to Las Vegas during his boxing bouts. These big shots are also famous for their bigtime gambling habit. But I never suspected they are that big thus meriting a mention in a best-selling book. This passage from The Black Swan confirms:
All they had to do was control the "whales," the high rollers flown in at the casino's expense from Manila or Hong Kong; whales can swing several million dollars in a gambling bout.