Thursday, September 20, 2012

Religious extremism?

The Islamic world is up in arms over the video "The Innocence of Muslims." I've seen it and my reaction is simply that if the same kind of video would be made about my father I would be up in arms too. But  I would not take arms.

Above all, because I live in a democratic society where I am not supposed to take matters into my own hand. I can always resort to the courts to avenge my honor. Or failing that, I can make a video of my own.

Now what if somebody makes a video "The Innocence of Christians" with Jesus doing what Mohamed was shown doing in the anti-Muslim video? Will Christians riot and kill over it?

Christians in Western countries will not. But Christians in countries where the rule of law is not as pronounced, they might just. And who will be the most likely targets? Whoever be the non-Christian minority would be. Such as non-theists like me. Oops!

But even in the Philippines some Christians would wish death upon non-theists or other Christians just for supporting the RH bill.