Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Obama Speech - a must read (and view)

I have lumps in my throat while reading the text of the speech of Barack Obama. And later I had tears in my eyes when I watched the video. On the amusing side: my family and I counted 30 "thank you's" from Obama before he could go on to his speed.

Will the Philippines ever have a Filipino Obama? Ninoy Aquino could have been one. Except that unlike Obama, Ninoy had the pedigree for politics. So Obama's story is more astounding.

I am optimistic. Since I plan to live for 30 more years, I know the Philippines will have decent leaders before I die. And I hope to see my grandchildren enthusiastic to vote for one. That will be the day that I will cast my ballot again. Just like those old Americans who went back to the primaries and will vote again on November 4 just because they see hope in Obama.

First, a transformation in our society should come before we can elect a Filipino Obama. That is what happened to America. Paul Krugman says America has been transformed that is why it is now possible for a Black (or a woman I should add) to be elected to the highest office.

I believe transformation comes with the creation of a strong working middle class with enough voting clout to counter the tendency of the masses to vote for a populist politician and the bias of the elite to choose from among their own.

Periodically I get to lecture to group of students who come to the office as part of their class requirements. I always make it a point to show them the need for upright politicians, honest government bureaucrats and hardworking entrepreneurs to get this county out of the rut it is in.

The hope of the Philippines are in these young students. Those of us who have been in politics, in government bureaucracies or in business for more than two decades and still have not done anything, our time is up. Let's give way to the young, nurture their idealism and provide them with the opportunities for the sake of our grandchildren.